Take advantage of our low-rate ARMs special!
We have lowered our 3/3 and 5/5 ARM rates to help you get into your home.
In addition, you could earn a $1,000 closing cost credit to use towards your future HRCU refinance when you finance an ARM with HRCU during the promotional period.
All ARMs are kept in-house at HRCU where you can easily speak to our mortgage team should you have any questions post-closing.

How does an ARM Work?
- Initial Fixed Interest Rate Period: Usually, there is a lower, predictable interest rate that is fixed during the initial interest rate period.
- Adjustable Period: After the initial fixed rate period, the interest rate adjusts to market conditions, potentially lowering your rate over time. It would adjust every 3 years if you have the 3/3 ARM, 5 years if you have the 5/5 ARM, or each year with the 10/1 ARM.
- Rate Caps: There are built-in interest rate limits to ensure the rate adjustments remain manageable, giving you peace of mind. With our periodic rate cap, your interest rate is guaranteed never to increase more than 2% any year you have the mortgage and is capped at 6% over the life of the loan for our 3/3 and 5/5 products and 5% for our 10/1 product. Talk to our mortgage experts for more information.
- Refinance Opportunities: Option to refinance at any time to lock in a fixed rate or secure better terms if rates should drop.
Ready to explore your options? Our mortgage experts are here to guide you every step of the way.